
Home-Page | Products | KLUBERPLEX BEM 41-301


Special grease for bearings exposed to high load, low speed and vibration.

Klüberplex BEM 41-301 shows good wear protection under rotating or oscillating motion and high impact loads. Thanks to its good compatibility with common sealing materials, it can be used in a wide variety of applications.

  • It provides longer operating life in rotor bearings with good wear protection properties even under vibration and oscillation.
  • Thanks to excellent lubricity, it offers low friction resistance and component temperature is reduced.
  • It helps increase operational safety with excellent corrosion protection.
  • It provides trouble-free operation thanks to its ability to use central lubrication systems and its good pumpability.
Ürün Bilgisi Klüberplex BEM 41-301
Artikel Numarası 020527
Yapı, Kalınlaştırıcı Lityum Kompleks Sabun
Bileşim, Yağ Tipi Mineral Yağ, Sentetik Hidrokarbon Yağ
Renk Sarı
Çalışma Sıcaklığı, Alt Limit -30 °C
Çalışma Sıcaklığı, Üst Limit 120 °C
Yoğunluk, Klüber Yöntemi: PN 024, 20°C Yaklaşık 0.91 g/cm³
NLGI Sınıfı, DIN 51818 1
Çalışılmış Penetrasyon, DIN ISO 2137 / ASTM D217, 25°C, Alt Limit 310 0.1 mm
Çalışılmış Penetrasyon, DIN ISO 2137 / ASTM D217, 25°C, Üst Limit 5000 mPas
Baz Yağın Kinematik Viskozitesi, DIN EN ISO 3104 / DIN 51562-1 / ASTM D445 / ASTM D7042, 100°C Yaklaşık 23 mm²/s
Baz Yağın Kinematik Viskozitesi, DIN EN ISO 3104 / DIN 51562-1 / ASTM D445 / ASTM D7042, 40°C Yaklaşık 300 mm²/s
SKF-EMCOR, DIN 51802, Klüber Yöntemi: Saf Su, 168 Hours ≤ 1 Korozyon Derecesi
Greslerin, DIN 51805-2, -30°C ≤ 2000 mba
Düşük Sıcaklık Torku, IP 186, -30°C, Çalışma Torku ≤ 200 mNm
Düşük Sıcaklık Torku, IP 186, -30°C, Başlatma Torku ≤ 1000 mNm
Akma Noktası, DIN ISO 2176 / IP 396 ≥ 230 °C
Üretim Tarihinden İtibaren Minimum Raf Ömrü – Açılmamış Orijinal Ambalajında, Serin ve Kuru Yerde, Yaklaşık 36 Ay


  • Klüberplex BEM 41-301 is suitable for starting lubrication and relubrication of rotor bearings in wind power plants. It was specifically developed for long-term or lifetime lubrication of highly loaded rolling bearings and plain bearings subject to vibrations and oscillations, for example in papermaking machines and conveyors.
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