
Home-Page | Products | KLUBERSYNTH HBE 94-401


As a manufacturer or operator of modern installations operating at high temperatures, you need to reliably protect against wear and corrosion components that are subjected to high loads and subject to high sliding friction, even when not constantly relubricated (e.g. sealed bearings). With Klübersynth HBE 94-401 we offer you a high-quality synthetic base oil-based lubricating grease and a special calcium complex soap thickener. This combination enables the formation of a lubricating film with high resistance to mechanical loads, providing excellent protection against wear. Additionally, Klübersynth HBE 94-401 is water resistant and has a good sealing effect due to the special thickening component used. Are your components subject to strong oscillations? With its very good anti-wear properties, Klübersynth HBE 94-401 also meets this challenge.

Klübersynth HBE 94-401 is suitable for high-load rolling and plain bearings in environments with working conditions exposed to high temperatures, such as the steel industry.
This special bearing grease meets the requirements of the following applications:

  • Drive bearings in continuous casting plants.
  • Conveyor roller bearings in blast furnaces.
  • Auxiliary bearings used in the pickling and tin plating process.
  • Forging press plain bearings.

It is suitable for use in the bearings of pellet presses in the wood industry, thanks to the high water resistance it provides in bearings.

For long equipment life:

  • Excellent wear protection,
  • Excellent corrosion protection,
  • Provides excellent resistance to water.

It helps reduce maintenance costs thanks to longer lubrication periods or lifetime lubrication even at high temperatures thanks to synthetic grease technology.

Ürün Bilgisi Klübersynth HBE 94-401
Artikel Numarası 004295
Yapı, Kalınlaştırıcı Kalsiyum Kompleks Sabun
Bileşim, Yağ Tipi Sentetik Hidrokarbon Yağ
Renk Kahverengi
Yapı Homojen, Uzun Lifli
Çalışma Sıcaklığı, Alt Limit -35 °C
Çalışma Sıcaklığı, Üst Limit 160 °C
Yoğunluk, Klüber Yöntemi: PN 024, 20°C Yaklaşık 0.93 g/cm³
Çalışılmış Penetrasyon, DIN ISO 2137 / ASTM D217, 25°C, Alt Limit 290 0.1 mm
Çalışılmış Penetrasyon, DIN ISO 2137 / ASTM D217, 25°C, Üst Limit 320 0.1 mm
Shear Viskozitesi, Klüber Yöntemi: PN 008@DIN 53019-1, Ekipman: Rotasyonel Viskometre, 25°C, 300 s⁻¹, Alt Limit 4000 mPas
Shear Viskozitesi, Klüber Yöntemi: PN 008@DIN 53019-1, Ekipman: Rotasyonel Viskometre, 25°C, 300 s⁻¹, Üst Limit 8000 mPas
Baz Yağın Kinematik Viskozitesi, DIN EN ISO 3104 / DIN 51562-1 / ASTM D445 / ASTM D7042, 100°C Yaklaşık 40 mm²/s
Baz Yağın Kinematik Viskozitesi, DIN EN ISO 3104 / DIN 51562-1 / ASTM D445 / ASTM D7042, 40°C Yaklaşık 400 mm²/s
SKF-EMCOR, DIN 51802, Klüber Yöntemi: Saf Su, 168 Hours ≤ 1 Korozyon Derecesi
Yağ Ayrışması, DIN 51817 N, 168 Hours, 40°C ≤ 3 Ağırlığa Göre %
Greslerin, DIN 51805-2, -35°C ≤ 1400 mbar
Akma Noktası, DIN ISO 2176 / IP 396  ≥ 230 °C
Dört Bilya EP Testi, Kaynama Yükü, DIN 51350-4 ≥ 2800 N
Hız Faktörü (n x dm) Yaklaşık 300000 mm/min
Su Direnci, DIN 51807-1, 3 Hours, 90°C 0 - 90 Derecelendirme
Üretim Tarihinden İtibaren Minimum Raf Ömrü – Açılmamış Orijinal Ambalajında, Serin ve Kuru Yerde, Yaklaşık 24 Ay


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