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Klüberplex AG 11-461 and 462 offer very good wear and corrosion protection, contributing to the efficient operation of your highly loaded installations and components. Years of experience have proven that these retaining greases provide reliable protection of components, even when exposed to salt water or when left standing for long periods of time.

  • Klüberplex AG 11-461 and 462 are designed as priming lubricants for gear rim and pinion drives and can also be used as a contrast lubricant to control the load pattern of the drive.
  • Klüberplex AG 11-461 and 462 is designed as a primer oil for gear wheel and pinion drives. It can also be used as a contrast lubricant for drive load model compression surface determination. In the offshore sector, marine applications and wind farms, open gears, low-speed bearings, sliding and guide rails, winches or steel cables of cranes and similar components exposed to salt water can be effectively lubricated and protected using Klüberplex AG 11-461 and 462.
  • Primer lubrication Klüberplex AG 11-461 and 462 is applied with a brush or spatula. For best results, we recommend cleaning the surfaces to be lubricated before lubricating. To determine the correct quantity for your application, you can obtain guideline values ​​from the diagram overleaf.
  • Operating lubrication Klüberplex AG 11-461 and 462 can be applied via manually operated grease guns or suitable centralized lubrication systems and can be sprayed at temperatures down to 0 °C. When applied by spray, an exhaust device is required to prevent inhalation of spray vapor.
  • Short-term thermal loads of up to 200°C are permitted, provided that adequate relubrication is ensured. The quantities of oil to be used depend on the operating conditions and must be determined individually for each application. Prolonged exposure to intense sunlight can slightly alter the oil's surface color without affecting its performance.

Reduces Maintenance Need:

  • Less contamination and less lubricant consumption in machines thanks to the use of white solid lubricants.
  • Very good adhesion even at low temperatures.
  • It enables product flow as it is suitable for gear wheel/pinion gears and bearings.

Improves Equipment Performance:

  • Less wear with special solid lubricants and additives.
  • Very good corrosion protection even when exposed to salt water.
Ürün Bilgisi Klüberplex AG 11-461 Klüberplex AG 11-462 Klüberplex AG 11- 462 Spray
Artikel Numarası 039213 039091 081302
Katı Yağlayıcılar Yaklaşık 20 Ağırlığa Göre % Yaklaşık 20 Ağırlığa Göre % Yaklaşık 20 Ağırlığa Göre %
Renk Beyaz Beyaz Beyaz
Yapı  Homojen Homojen Homojen
Fonksiyonel Yağlama Filmi Yaklaşık -40 °C Yaklaşık -40 °C Yaklaşık -40 °C
Çalışma Sıcaklığı, Alt Limit -20 °C -10 °C -10 °C
Çalışma Sıcaklığı, Üst Limit 150 °C 150 °C 150 °C
NSF-H1, K3 Tescil Numarası  -  - 145950
Yoğunluk, Klüber Yöntemi: PN 024, 20°C Yyaklaşık 1.07 g/cm³ Yaklaşık 1.05 g/cm³  Yaklaşık 1.05 g/cm³
NLGI Sınıfı, DIN 51818 1 2 2
Çalışılmış Penetrasyon, DIN ISO 2137 / ASTM D217, 25°C, Alt Limit 310 0.1 mm 265 0.1 mm 265 0.1 mm
Çalışılmış Penetrasyon, DIN ISO 2137 / ASTM D217, 25°C, Üst Limit  340 0.1 mm 295 0.1 mm 295 0.1 mm
Baz Yağın ISO Viskozite Sınıflandırması, DIN ISO 3448, ISO VG 460 460 460
Greslerin, DIN 51805-2, -10°C  -  - ≤ 1400 mbar
Akma Noktası, DIN ISO 2176 / IP 396 ≥ 170 °C ≥ 180 °C ≥ 180 °C
FZG Aşındırma Testi, DIN ISO 14635-3, Based on Standard, A / 2,8 / Oda Sıcaklığı, Başarısız Yük Kademesi ≥ 12 ≥ 12 ≥ 12
Su Direnci, DIN 51807-1, 3 Hours, 90°C 0 - 90 Derecelendirme 0 - 90 Derecelendirme 0 - 90 Derecelendirme
Üretim Tarihinden İtibaren Minimum Raf Ömrü – Açılmamış Orijinal Ambalajında, Serin ve Kuru Yerde, Yaklaşık 24 Ay 24 Ay 24 Ay


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