
Home-Page | Products | MOLYTAP HT 35


A range of high performance lubricants designed for demanding metalworking operations such as drilling, reaming, tapping and especially slot-setting.
It provides excellent surface quality to components and protects tools against wear and damage.

  • Excellent extreme pressure and anti-wear performance maximizes tool life in demanding operations.
  • The recommended addition rate is 5%.
Özellik Test Metodu Tipik Değerler
Görünüş Gözle Muayene C&B
Koku  - Tipik
Renk ASTM D 1500 L5.5
Yoğunluk @15°C, kg/m3 ASTM D 4052 967.1
Kinematik Viskozite @40 °C, cSt  ASTM D 445 36.82
Kinematik Viskozite @100 °C, cSt ASTM D 445 5.89
Viskozite İndeksi ASTM D 2270 102
Kırma İndisi (@20°C) ASTM D 1218 1.4791


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