
Home-Page | Products | MOLYGREASE EP XLC 2


  • It is a special lithium calcium soap grease with excellent load carrying capacity, formulated using high quality special base oils and state-of-the-art performance and EP additives.
  • It has been developed for all types of bearings operating at temperatures up to 100 °C and for mechanisms operating under heavy loads.
  • It is a grease with very good sealing properties and excellent oxidation and corrosion protective properties.
  • Its mechanical stability is very good and it can be used in industrial applications where high pressure and sudden loads are applied.
  • Its ability to drift with water has been improved and it has high water resistance.

  • Recommended operating temperature is between -20 and +120°C.
  • Short-term peak temperature can reach +150°C. It is especially recommended for bearings operating under severe conditions involving water and heavy loads.
  • It should not be mixed with different types of grease.
  • Excellent load carrying capacity,
  • Superior mechanical stability,
  • Good corrosion resistance,
  • High water resistance,
  • Excellent anti-wear,
  • High oxidation resistance.
Özellik Test Metodu Tipik Değerler
NLGI Sınıfı  - 00 0 1 2
Renk  -  Kahverengi Kahverengi  Açık Kahverengi  Açık Kahverengi
Sabun Tipi  -  Özel Lityum Özel Lityum Özel Lityum Özel Lityum
Baz Yağ Türü  - Mineral Mineral Mineral Mineral
Baz Yağ Viskozitesi / 40°C, cSt ASTM D445 220 220 220 220
İşlenmiş Penetrasyon, mm/10 ASTM D217 400-430 355-385 310-340 265-295
Damlama Noktası, °C ASTM D566 Min.150 Min.150 Min.170 Min.170
4 Bilye Testi - Kaynama Yükü, Kg IP 239 350 350 350 350
4 Bilye Testi - Çizik Çapı, mm ASTM D 2266 Max 0,5 Max 0,5 Max 0,5 Max 0,5

*Burada belirtilen değerler ürüne ait tipik değerlerdir. Ürün spesifikasyonunu belirlemez.
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