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Lithium Complex Soapy Grease


  • It is a lithium complex soap grease with excellent load carrying capacity and thermal stability, formulated using high quality special base oils and state-of-the-art performance and EP additives.
  • The grease is suitable for use in automatic lubrication systems with its superior pumpability even at low temperatures.
  • It is a grease with superior mechanical stability and water resistance, and excellent resistance to high temperatures.

  • temperature ranges from -20 to +160 °C, short-term peak temperatures can reach +170 °C.
  • It is suitable for long-lasting use in bearings, water pumps, electric motors and fasteners where high efficiency is required under heavy loads. It was developed as a high performance grease especially in the iron and steel industry.
  • It should not be mixed with different types of grease.
Özellik Metod Tipik Değerler
NLGI Sınıfı  - 1
Renk  - Mavi
Sabun Tipi  - Lityum Complex
Baz Yağ Türü  - Mineral
Baz Yağ Viskozitesi, 40 °C, cSt ASTM D 445 460
İşlenmiş Penetrasyon, mm/10 ASTM D 217 295-310
Damlama Noktası, °C ASTM D 566 Min. 245
Dört Bilye Testi, Kaynama Yükü, Kg IP 2398 500
Dört Bilye Testi, Çizik Çapı, mm ASTM D 2266 Max. 0,5

*Burada belirtilen değerler ürüne ait tipik değerlerdir. Ürün spesifikasyonunu belirlemez.

* Sağlık, emniyet, çevre ve depolama bilgileri için ürünün MSDS'ine bakılmalıdır.

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