
Home-Page | Products | MOLYGREASE LCS 3V


They are lithium complex soap greases with excellent load carrying capacity and thermal stability, formulated using high quality special base oils and state-of-the-art performance and EP additives. They have been specially developed for use in ball, roller and plain bearings operating at medium speed. They are greases with superior mechanical stability and water resistance, and excellent resistance to high temperatures.


  • High dropping point,
  • Excellent load carrying capacity,
  • Excellent corrosion resistance,
  • Excellent anti-wear,
  • High oxidation resistance,
  • Superior adhesion ability.

  • The recommended operating temperature is between -25 and +160 °C, short-term peak temperatures of +170 °C can be reached.
  • It is suitable for long-lasting use in roller bearings, water pumps, electric motors and fasteners where high efficiency is required under heavy loads.
  • It is used successfully especially in the automotive, industrial, construction, maritime, mining and paper sectors.
  • Dropping point is minimum 260°C and above.
  • It should not be mixed with different types of grease.
Özellik Metod Tipik Değerler
NLGI Sınıfı  - 3
Renk  - Mavi
Sabun Tipi  - Lityum Complex
Baz Yağ Türü  - Mineral
Baz Yağ Viskozitesi, 40 °C, cSt ASTM D 445 460
İşlenmiş Penetrasyon, mm/10 ASTM D 217 200-250
Damlama Noktası, °C ASTM D 566 Min. 260 ve üzeri
Dört Bilye Testi, Kaynama Yükü, Kg IP 2398 450
Dört Bilye Testi, Çizik Çapı, mm ASTM D 2266 Max. 0,5

*Burada belirtilen değerler ürüne ait tipik değerlerdir. Ürün spesifikasyonunu belirlemez.

* Sağlık, emniyet, çevre ve depolama bilgileri için ürünün MSDS'ine bakılmalıdır.

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