
Home-Page | Products | MOLYCUT ST 50


Molycut ST are very well refined, high viscosity index paraffinic base oils, produced with special extreme pressure (EP) additives that do not contain zinc.

  • It is generally used in spray and piece-based cutting operations.
  • It can be applied in general lubrication works.
  • It is demulsive and extends the life of the part and cutting equipment.
  • It increases the cutting quality.
  • Prevents corrosion and rust.
  • It reduces the amount of smoke to a minimum.
Özellik Değerler
Görünüş Berrak
Yoğunluk 15 °C, gr/ml 0,87
Alevlenme Noktası °C 180
Akma Noktası °C -5
Viskozite, 40 °C, cSt 50
Viskozite Indeksi 100

*Burada belirtilen değerler ürüne ait tipik değerlerdir. Ürün spesifikasyonunu belirlemez.

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