
Home-Page | Products | CARTER SG 220


Synthetic Oil for Closed Gears.

  • Worm gears, bevel and spur gears.
  • Lubrication of gears operating under severe conditions: high loads, high temperature peaks and corrosive atmospheres.
  • It does not mix with mineral oils.
  • It reduces maintenance times thanks to its superior resistance to oxidation and high thermal stability.
  • The very high inherent viscosity index and outstanding low coefficient of friction save energy.
  • Excellent corrosion protection (tested with sea and acidic water).
  • Excellent high pressure and anti-wear properties.
  • Very good foaming behavior.
100 150 220 320 460 680 1000
Görünüş – Renk   - Görsel Yarı Saydam – Hafif Kehribar Rengi Yarı Saydam – Hafif Kehribar Rengi Yarı Saydam – Hafif Kehribar Rengi Yarı Saydam – Hafif Kehribar Rengi Yarı Saydam – Hafif Kehribar Rengi Yarı Saydam – Hafif Kehribar Rengi Yarı Saydam – Hafif Kehribar Rengi
Yoğunluk @ 15 °C ISO 3675 kg/m3 1078 1083 1093 1109 1109 1109 1109
Viskozite @ 40°C ISO 3104 mm2 /s 100 150 220  320 460 680 1000
Viskozite @ 100°C  ISO 3104 mm2 /s 18.2 27.2 39.1 54.6 74.8  109.5 157.5
Viskozite İndeksi ISO 2909  - 209 219 231 238 244 260 275
Parlama Noktası ISO 2592 °C 246 240 240 240 238 240 260
Akma Noktası ISO 3016 °C -56 -35 -30 -30 -30 -30 -31
Oksidasyon Stabilitesi – Viskozite Değişimi ASTM D2893 % <6 <6 <6 <6 <6 <6 <6
FZG A/8.3/90 DIN 51354/2 Fail Stage >13 >13 >13 >13 >13 >13 >13
FAG Fe 8 Wearing - Roller DIN 51354-2 mg <30 <30 <30 <30 <30 <30 <30
FAG Fe 8 Wearing – Cage DIN 51819-3  mg <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50

*Verilen tipik özellikler ortalama değerleri temsil etmektedir.

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