
Home-Page | Products | MULTIS COMPLEX SHD 100


Synthetic, high performance Lithium Complex and High Pressure grease for the heavy duty industry.

  • MULTIS COMPLEX SHD 100, Synthetic HeavyDuty is a special lithium complex grease designed for high-speed applications such as electric motors and fans where long service life is required.
  • MULTIS COMPLEX SHD 100 has been developed especially for the lubrication of bearings operating in extremely cold conditions.
  • It is mechanically stable and can continue to operate from -50°C to 160°C. It also protects bearings from fretting corrosion.
  • MULTIS COMPLEX SHD 100 is adapted for the lubrication of equipment under wet conditions and helps to significantly reduce friction between metal surfaces and therefore reduce vibrations.
  • MULTIS COMPLEX SHD 100 is also suitable for lubrication of thermoplastic materials.
  • MULTIS COMPLEX SHD 100 meets the lubrication requirements of many different types of equipment.
  • The low coefficient of friction enables energy savings and an increase in the service life of bearings.
  • Miscible with most conventional soapy greases (consult TotalEnergies).
  • It provides very good resistance to water, temperature changes and pollution. Allows longer lubrication intervals.
  • MULTIS COMPLEX SHD 100; It does not contain lead or any heavy metal that is considered harmful to human health or the environment.
  • Recommended for temperatures between -50°C and +160°C.
Sabun/Kalınlaştırıcı  -  - Lityum Kompleks
NLGI Grade ASTM D 217/DIN 51 818  - 2
Renk Görsel  - Sarı
Görüntü Görsel  - Yumuşak
Çalışma Sıcaklık Aralığı   - °C -50 – 160
Penetrasyon @ 25°C ASTM D 217/DIN 51 818 0.1 mm 265 – 295
Penetrasyon @ 40°C NF T 60 171 mod 0.1 mm >160
Düşük Sıcaklık Torku @ -40°C
- Başlangıç Torku
- Çalışma Torku
ASTM D1478 mNm 383
Mekanik Stabilite P100.000 – P60 ASTM D 217/DIN51 818 0.1 mm 23
Dört Top Kaynak Yükü ASTM D 2596 kgf > 400
Dört Top Aşınma  ASTM D 2266 mm Dört top aşınma ASTM D 2266 mm 0
Damlama Noktası IP 396/NFT 60 102 C °C >280
Baz Yağın Kinematik Viskozitesi @40°C ASTM D 445/DIN 51 562-1/ISO 3104/IP71 mm²/s (cSt)  100

*Verilen tipik özellikler ortalama değerleri temsil etmektedir.

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