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RUBIA TIR 9200 FE 5W-30

Diesel Engine Oil

Pro - Efficient Technology

Protection approved by professionals for maximum efficiency. Pro-Efficient Technology maximizes the efficiency of professional engines by reducing mechanical wear and extending oil change intervals. This means longer engine life, fewer malfunctions and less maintenance costs.

Recommendations for Use

Before using the product, the vehicle's maintenance manual should be checked. Oil changes should be made according to the manufacturer's recommendations. The product should not be stored at temperatures above 60°C. It should be kept away from sunlight, intense cold and extreme temperature fluctuations. All packaging must be protected against bad weather conditions. Drums should be stored horizontally to avoid possible contamination with water and damage to the product label.

Health, Safety and Environment

Based on the available toxicological information, the product does not have any adverse health effects if used in accordance with the recommendations in the Safety Data Sheet and the stated intended use. The product should not be used for any purpose other than the specified areas of use.When disposing of the product after use, please comply with the relevant legislation of the Republic of Turkey and protect the environment.

  • RUBIA TIR 9200 FE 5W-30 is a high-performance synthetic oil for heavy diesel vehicles.
  • RUBIA TIR 9200 FE 5W-30 is recommended for new generation synthetic technology Euro 5 diesel engines and previous engine models with many manufacturer approvals. Additionally, RUBIA TIR 9200 FE 5W-30 is suitable for the new generation Euro 5 IVECO engines with extended oil change interval (up to 150 000 km).
  • FUEL ECONOMY technology provides an average of 1% fuel savings compared to SAE 40 class reference oil. If used with transmission products featuring FUEL ECONOMY, this value may reach 3%.
  • Thanks to superior protection against oxidation and corrosion and excellent detergent additives, standard oil change intervals specified by manufacturers (such as IVECO, MAN, SCANIA and MERCEDES-BENZ) are extended and sustainability costs are reduced.
  • Thanks to its superior detergent, dispersion and anti-wear properties, it cleans the most sensitive parts of the engine and provides effective protection against cylinder polishing and wear.
Yoğunluk @ 15 °C kg/m3 ASTM D1298 860
Kinematik Viskozite @ 40°C mm²/s ASTM D445 72.4
Kinematik Viskozite @ 100°C mm²/s ASTM D445 12
Viskozite İndeksi  - ASTM D2270 158
Akma Noktası °C ASTM D97 -45
Parlama Noktası °C ASTM D92 220
T.B.N mg KOH/g ASTM D2896 16
Sülfatlanmış Kül % m/m ASTM D874 1.9

* Verilen tipik özellikler ortalama değerleri temsil etmektedir.

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